asalamualaikum, in this
post I will discuss about
the food is very good
at all if the meal.
especially when eaten
rainy season, it feels
really solid, the food of
the village was named
after combro, what can
be called combro ko,
well because there
oncom in it, do you
know oncom, oncom is
hampas know, if people
here still called oncom
usually hair curly, if you
been to try Indonesian
food deh combro,
surely you will be
addicted to always try
it, so waiting for prey
to come to Indonesia
later combro I love
cooking a dish that my
lack of a bowl add the
deh so familiar with
other dishes such as
Indonesia, deblo,
combro, Misro,
ranginang and much
more, what you are
interested in foods
that are interested in
coming over here, so
first from me, sorry if
there is one-one said
hello blogger
» combro food
combro food
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