Breaking News
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

an easy way make to deblo

after the previous post
I already discussed
Misro combro and now I
will discuss about
deblo, can be said
cousin hehe well
anyway, back to topic

deblo is food made
from cassava and how
to make it also the
same as combro, sorry I
mean the difference if
combro directly on the
cooking, if deblo did
not, but at first along,
until tender cassava,
when it's next on-mple
mple so bie, when it's
mixed with turmeric
continue cooking deh it
was not bad loh less
equal combro and
Misro, how keen to
make deblo? since the
eyes are sleepy
hungry, my headache
would go to bed, but do
not forget to visit the
blog keep this simple
because it will post the
latest articles about
what's in Indonesia, so
do not forget to greet
bloggers ea

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